Soy sauce made by fermenting meat How to make meat soy sauce Just soak the meat, rice jiuqu and salt!
Meat soy sauce is soy sauce made by fermenting meat.
This is much easier to make than soy sauce made from soybeans.
It can be made simply by mixing meat, rice jiuqu and salt and aging and fermenting.
In this article, I added the story of the successful trial production of meat sauce in 2019 and the points to note when making it based on that experience in 2021.
If you read this, you will be able to make meat sauce at home.
【table of contents】
1. Meat will also be soy sauce
2. May 24, 2019, prepare meat sauce
2-1. May 25, one day has passed since the preparation
2-2. June 17th, 23 days have passed since the preparation
2-3. July 28, 65 days have passed since the preparation
2-4. October 19th, 147 days have passed since the preparation
3. See the chicken soy sauce
4. Complete with pork soy sauce and beef soy sauce
5. Completion and tasting of meat soy sauce
5-1. The taste of chicken soy sauce
5-2. The taste of pork soy sauce
5-3. Beef soy sauce taste
6. Cooking with meat soy sauce
6-1. Sprinkle meat soy sauce on cold tofu
6-2. Use meat soy sauce for stir-fried pork and bok choy
6-3. Use meat soy sauce for soup
7. Meat soy sauce also has squeezed lees
7-1. Add meat soy sauce pomace to cucumber
7-2. Fry meat soy sauce pomace with eggplant
7-3. Add meat soy sauce pomace to miso soup
7-4. Mix meat soy sauce pomace with rice
8. How to make meat soy sauce
9. Added on November 30, 2021 (Read this to deepen your understanding)
10. 2021 bonus experiment
11 . summary
12. Explained in the video
Meat will also be soy sauce
Speaking of soy sauce, it usually means soy sauce made from soybeans.
Soy sauce is a delicious seasoning with the umami of amino acids and the taste of salt by decomposing soybean protein into amino acids by the power of enzymes produced by Jiuqu.
So, in theory, if you have a protein-based raw material, you can make soy sauce if you can break down that protein.
Meat is also mainly composed of protein, so it should be possible to make soy sauce.

However, I searched the web and the library to find out how to make meat soy sauce, but there was no information about this.
Funny, it's easier to break down meat protein than to break down soy protein.
How do you make meat soy sauce?
Without knowing, research on meat soy sauce stopped for a while.
By the way, I have made soy sauce from fish.
In the case of fish, when the whole fish is salted, the protein of the fish is decomposed by the power of the enzyme contained in the internal organs to make soy sauce.
Also, it seems that some bacteria attached to the fish also contribute to the decomposition.
Making fish sauce is really easy because you just salt the whole fish.
Well, the same goes for meat soy sauce, and should the whole internal organs be salted together?
Does it mean that the whole cow is salted?
It's physically possible, but it's a little impossible at home.
If it's about chicken, you might be able to salt it whole, but I don't want to do that either.
That's why I think about how to buy only meat and use it as soy sauce.
If you leave the meat alone for many days, the enzymes contained in the meat will break down the protein into amino acids.
That's the aged meat.
Aged meat is rich in amino acids and has a delicious taste.
However, if you want to make soy sauce instead of aged meat, the meat must be decomposed until it becomes liquid.
Enzymes that are only contained in meat have a small amount of enzymes.
Therefore, I thought that the protein of meat should be decomposed by the power of rice jiuqu.
Jiuqu contains enzymes that break down proteins.
If you salt the meat and rice jiuqu together, it should be a meat soy sauce.
If you come up with it, just experiment.
May 24, 2019, prepare meat soy sauce
Let's make meat soy sauce with chicken, pork, and beef.
[Ingredients for meat soy sauce]
Minced meat (less fat) 200g
Rice Jiuqu 50g
Salt 60g
Water 50ml

I put minced meat, rice jiuqu, salt, and water in a closed container I bought at a 100-yen shop.

After mixing, I closed the lid.

In this way, we prepared chicken, pork, beef, and three types of meat soy sauce.
It was prepared on May 24, 2019.
I left this in a room as hot as possible at room temperature, and after the summer passed, I wanted to complete it around October, so I aged it.
It's my first time, so I don't know if it will be completed in October.
I have never experienced leaving raw meat at room temperature in the summer for the purpose of eating it.
So I don't really know what will happen.
Keeping perishable meat in a room that is as hot as possible at room temperature does such a high risk because the enzyme works weakly at low temperatures.
Fermented soy sauce and miso-based foods are aged and fermented during the hot season.
Due to the high salinity, spoilage bacteria should not be active even at room temperature in summer.
May 25, one day has passed since the preparation

The color of the meat suddenly turned black.
There is some adjustment of the light, but the vividness is obviously lost.
Especially beef is blackish.
June 17th, 23 days have passed since the preparation

There is a layer of water on the bottom.
Was the meat broken down by enzymes?
Also, the color of the part of the surface that comes into contact with the air changes slightly yellowish.
There was no such atmosphere as gas being generated in the closed container.
If gas is generated and the internal pressure rises, the bottle may explode, but there seems to be no concern.
There is no change in the odor.
It smells like raw meat.

I stirred it and sealed it again.
Now the contents are uniform again.
July 28, 65 days have passed since the preparation

There was also a slight layer of water on the bottom.
Fat floats on the surface, forming a layer of fat.
There is no particular layer of fat, probably because chicken has a low fat content.
And I stirred it again.
October 19th, 147 days have passed since the preparation

I went through the summer without any care.
It doesn't look like the meat is melting, but we've reached our goal of October, so let's take a look.
See the chicken soy sauce

It looks like this.
For the time being, the grains of rice jiuqu are completely gone.
Other changes are not very noticeable from the outside.

I opened the lid.
White mold is growing.
I don't know what kind of fungus it is, but I think it's Jiuqu.
Otherwise it is inconvenient.
The mold part was removed.

When you scoop the contents, it looks like this.
Will soy sauce be squeezed from here?

First of all, I will try to burn it.
I put all the chicken mash in the pot.

I added 50 ml of water because it would be a problem if it sticks to the pot because it is muddy.

It was boiling, so I turned off the heat.
At this point, it is a shabashaba liquid.
At first, it was sticky, so I added water, but apparently I didn't need to add water.

Strain with kitchen paper.
Then, a clear brown liquid fell.
This is just chicken soy sauce!
The meat soy sauce is completed.
Complete pork soy sauce and beef soy sauce

Since the chicken soy sauce was completed, the pork soy sauce must have been completed.

There is no mold here.

I will burn it.
I put it in a pot.

When heat was applied, it became a shabby liquid like this without adding water.
This also became a clear liquid when strained in the same way as chicken soy sauce.

Also, beef soy sauce was fired in the same way and then strained.
Completion and tasting of meat soy sauce

Three kinds of meat soy sauce have been completed.
Let's taste it.
The taste of chicken soy sauce

It's just the taste of soy sauce.
It ’s good!
It tastes completely different from soy sauce made from soybeans.
Umami and salt have something in common with the taste of soy sauce made from soybeans, but they taste a little different.
It's hard to say what's different and how.
Even if the umami is delicious, it is derived from meat, so it is like bouillon soup.
It resembles the taste of a thickly melted solid bouillon.
The taste of pork soy sauce

This is also the taste of bouillon-based soy sauce.
There is no smell of meat.
Chicken soy sauce is a little thin because it was hydrated when it was cooked, but since it is not hydrated, it has a strong color and taste.
I think it's the standard salt concentration for soy sauce rather than rich.
When brewing, the amount of salt was added after considering the salt concentration of soy sauce, so this is just the right amount.
The difference in taste from chicken soy sauce was easier with chicken soy sauce, but it may just be because chicken soy sauce was diluted with water.
Beef soy sauce taste

This is also the taste of bouillon-based soy sauce.
There is no smell of meat.
It tastes almost the same as pork soy sauce.
I feel that it has the richness and depth derived from beef, but it may be due to my feelings.
It's about the difference between Budweiser and Heineken.
It's a little different, but it means it's very similar.
Cooking with meat and soy sauce
Now, let's try cooking with meat sauce.
Sprinkle meat sauce on cold tofu

First of all, I had the cold tofu sprinkle meat soy sauce.
The image is not the actual image.
I actually shot Hiyayakko, but I couldn't find it because I seemed to have erased the image, so I had no choice but to borrow a free image.
The image is different from the real thing, but you can imagine the taste as the image.
The taste was the same as that of a cold tofu with ordinary soy sauce.
No, the taste is different.
However, I didn't feel any discomfort and I ate it as a cold tofu.
Meat soy sauce can be used normally as soy sauce.
Use meat soy sauce for stir-fried pork and bok choy

Stir-fried pork and bok choy.
Seasoned with pork soy sauce.
Is delicious.
It tastes different from soy sauce made from soybeans, but you wouldn't notice if you weren't told that you were using pork soy sauce.
If you eat it without knowing it, it tastes like you would have seasoned it with soy sauce and chicken soup.
Use meat soy sauce for soup
If it tastes like a mixture of soy sauce and chicken soup, what if you just dissolve the meat soy sauce in hot water?

I don't have enough soup stock.
I added powdered chicken broth to adjust the taste.

Egg soup made from meat soy sauce and chicken soup.
Is delicious.
Meat soy sauce can be used in the same way as soy sauce.
It tastes different from soy sauce, but both are delicious.
Chicken soy sauce, pork soy sauce, and beef soy sauce have very similar tastes.
The only difference between these three types is the difference between Kikkoman's soy sauce, Higashimaru's soy sauce, and Yamasa's soy sauce.
Therefore, I use it without any distinction.
Meat soy sauce also has squeezed lees

This is the squeezed lees left over when the meat and soy sauce is cooked and strained.
It's probably meat that hasn't been completely decomposed.
The meat tastes like meat soy sauce, and it has an aged taste, like meat miso.
It tastes too strong to eat alone, but it tastes good.
This seems to be usable in various ways.

From the right, chicken soy sauce pomace, pork soy sauce pomace, and beef soy sauce pomace.
The colors are obviously different.
As for the taste, the flavor derived from meat remains in the aged form, and each has a different taste.
The taste is as different as Guinness Stout and Murphy's Irish Stout.
Sorry for the difficult parable.
It's similar, but obviously different.
Add meat soy sauce pomace to cucumber

I attached it to a cucumber.
In Japan, there is a dish called morokyu, which is eaten with cucumber and miso. It looks similar to that.
It's delicious, but the taste of meat soy sauce pomace is so strong that it doesn't harmonize in the mouth.

Adding meat soy sauce pomace and mayonnaise together made it mellow and delicious.
This is cool.
Fry meat soy sauce pomace with eggplant

It tastes like miso, so it would be delicious if you stir-fry it with eggplant.
In Japan, there is a dish called stir-fried eggplant with miso.

It looks delicious, but the taste of the meat soy sauce pomace was so strong that it didn't blend well with the eggplant.
Add meat soy sauce pomace to miso soup

Let's dissolve a little meat soy sauce pomace in miso soup.

It's normal miso soup, but the flavor has improved.
This is delicious.
Mix meat soy sauce pomace with rice

I mixed it with rice.
It's neither good nor bad.
It's like mixed rice with meat, but it only has the flavor of meat, and there is almost no meat.
Besides this, I used it as a secret ingredient for stir-fried Chinese food, but it was delicious.
Meat and soy sauce pomace can be used as a seasoning for cooking with Plus Alpha to expand the taste.
How to make meat soy sauce
【Ingredients for meat and soy sauce】
Minced meat (less fat) 200g
Rice Jiuqu 50g
Salt 60g
Water 50ml
- Put all ingredients in a closed container and ferment for about half a year including summer.
- Put the mash in a pan, heat it, and strain it when it boils.
- The filtered liquid is meat soy sauce, and the remaining residue is meat soy sauce pomace, both of which can be used.
Added on November 30, 2021 (Read this to deepen your understanding)
【Ingredients for meat and soy sauce】
Minced chicken breast 600g
Jiuqu rice 200g
Water 100ml
Salt 180g
In 2021, we prepared this amount.
I prepared it in May 2021 and left it completely until November without stirring it in the middle.
This amount has a slightly higher proportion of rice jiuqu than the one prepared in 2019.
I will explain the reason. I wondered if the meat soy sauce pomace was generated because the protein in the meat could not be completely decomposed.
Therefore, I thought that if the proportion of rice jiuqu was increased, the amount of proteolytic enzymes contained in the rice jiuqu would also increase, and meat soy sauce pomace would also decrease.
Also, the container does not have to be a closed bottle, but a container with a lid is good.
With a closed bottle, there seems to be no worry that gas will be generated during aging and the bottle will explode.
A lot of air in the container increases the risk of mold growth.
As a measure against mold, we put a full tank in a closed bottle to eliminate the room for air to enter.
I haven't tried it, but I think it is effective to put a wrap on the surface of the meat to prevent it from coming into contact with the air.
In the same way, it was fired in a pot and filtered.
Then, the meat soy sauce pomace remained firmly.
I increased the amount of rice jiuqu, but that did not reduce the amount of meat and soy sauce.
Rather, I think that the amount of Meat soy sauce pomace has increased.
Probably, it doesn't change much even if the amount of rice jiuqu is adjusted.
Meat soy sauce pomace can also be used deliciously for stir-fried foods and stewed dishes, so there is no problem even if it occurs, so I think it is good to use it well.
I made delicious meat soy sauce.
2021 bonus experiment
Mushroom called Maitake contain proteolytic enzymes.
If you mix Maitake mushrooms, meat and salt, the proteolytic enzyme of Maitake mushrooms may decompose the meat to make meat soy sauce.
I thought that way and tried to prepare it.
【Experimental material】
Maitake mushroom 100g
Minced meat 200g
Salt 62g
62g of salt is halfway. I don't remember why this happened.
This was also prepared in May 2021.
And I left it for half a year until November 2021.
Even if I open the lid and look inside, no mold grows.
Looks like it's working.
Put it in a pan and heat it.
I forgot to check the scent when I first opened the lid, but when I put it on the fire, the scent drifts.
I was surprised at the smell.
It smells very dangerous.
When it boiled, fine bubbles came out.
A dangerous smell is also emitted at the same time.
Just in case, heat it enough.
If you heat it enough, it will be sterilized.
Turn off the heat and try tasting a little.
Scoop a little with a spoon ...
I will lick it.
Ah! ??
The taste of soy sauce, saltiness, and the rotten smell of meat exploded in my mouth.
I couldn't swallow it and spit it out.
So the experiment was a failure.
I don't know how to succeed with Maitake.
I can make delicious meat soy sauce with rice jiuqu without using Maitake, so I decided not to think about success with Maitake anymore.
Meat soy sauce can be made simply by mixing meat, rice jiuqu and salt and aging and fermenting.
It's really easy compared to making soy sauce from soybeans!
And it can be used for cooking as ordinary soy sauce.
For those who want to try homemade soy sauce, soy sauce has a high hurdle, so why not try meat soy sauce first.
There was almost no difference in the taste of chicken, pork and beef, so it is recommended to use minced chicken, which is cheaper.
Since you don't need fat to make soy sauce, we recommend minced chicken breast, which has less fat and is cheaper.
Explained in the video
In the video, man Nakamura himself appears and talks passionately about meat soy sauce.
Also, you can see the process from preparation to burning and filtration with the visuals unique to the video, so please watch the video as well. wp:paragraph -->